Yoga For Real Life: Neck Relief

Sep 15, 2016


One of the biggest misconceptions about being a yoga teacher is that all we do is teach yoga. Any yoga teacher will tell you that there is a lot for us to do outside of class including e-mail correspondence, class and workshop planning, and schedule organizing. Like many, much of our day might be spent sitting at a desk in front of a computer.

This is particularly true once mid-September rolls around. Life and work tends to moves into a whole different gear. The relaxed, loose rhythm of the summer gives way to school schedules and more structure to our days. While I’m always a bit wistful about the end of summer, there is also something exciting about the opportunity that a more scheduled life affords, including time to apply myself more consistently to the work I love, like reviving this blog!

However, one of the areas in my own body where I can feel the effects of this increased productivity right away is my neck and shoulders. Even with my ergonomically-optimal computer setup, regular self-reminders about maintaining good alignment while typing, and taking frequent breaks, these areas definitely need more TLC these days.


Read more from the Beyond Asana blog