Yoga As A Practice Of Self-Honouring
Dec 14, 2018
In writing "Evolving Your Yoga: Ten Principles for Enlightened Practice," I interviewed over 25 longtime teachers to hear their experiences and insights into how yoga practice evolves over time.
Many of them generously shared personal stories of how yoga helped them to find emotional healing and develop a more caring and loving relationship with themselves.
Chapter Seven is perhaps the one that feels most personal for me as well. I believe it’s one that will resonate with many of us who’ve found greater self-love and self-acceptance through yoga. Here's an excerpt:
"My hatha yoga practice played an essential role in shifting the nature of my inner dialogue from critical to compassionate. Asana became a practice of self-honoring and self-acceptance.
I used it to cultivate a loving relationship with myself. I consciously related to my body as an instrument for the inner work of yoga and ultimately as the vehicle for service to the highest.
Over time, I started to experience my body as strong and beautiful. I recognized it as sacred, worthy of love and respect, like a temple for the divine. Taking care of my body felt like an offering. Postural practice became an expression of self-love and respect."