How Does it Feel to Begin Again?
Jan 04, 2018How was your practice over the holidays? Interrupted? Sporadic? Non-existent?
I can relate.
Over the past 25 years, I’ve experienced the full range of what I think of as ‘seasons’ in my yoga practice. There have been long stretches when I could practice uninterruptedly for (sigh) 2 hours a day. And, there have been times where yoga couldn’t, or didn’t, happen regularly. Whether due to travel, family or work responsibilities, injury, illness, or just plain-ol’ laziness, I have slacked on many occasions.
And I know I’m not alone. For anyone who embraces yoga as a path of practice over the long haul, this is how it goes. Life, or oneself, sometimes get in the way.
But here’s the thing:
It’s okay with me. It's okay because I know I will start again. I always do. I’ve learned that I can trust myself to get back to a scheduled, regular practice time and begin, yet again. That’s what I’m doing this week.
More than that, I’ve learned to relish the opportunity of a new beginning, to once again enjoy the freedom of moving a stiff body as if for the first time, to greet myself in the space of allowing and acceptance, to breathe consciously, to turn within.
Remember: The starting point in yoga is always exactly where you are.
Self-reliance is liberating. It cuts through resistance, guilt and allows for the myriad fresh starts we make on the path.
This week, I invite you to welcome yourself back. And thank yourself for showing up.
May you experience the liberating magic of beginning again.